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06/16/2001 |
Several of us are coming to Prague for a few days in late June/early July. We were told that June is the month of Dance Festivals. I haven't had any luck finding any information about them on the web. Is it true? And if so, can you tell me more about them and how we might go about getting tickets? Thanks.
ANSWER: Yes, there is a dance festival in Prague right now, more about it at www.tanecpha.cz. If it is not what you had in mind visit www.ticketpro.cz, where are all the scheduled events. You can also buy the tickets at that site.
06/15/2001 |
Hi, just returned home after 4 months in Prague, and need some help! There was a very cool t-shirt/ethno shop at the back of the Golem Shopping Centre at the start of the tourist trap shops just off of Male Nam. If anyone heads that way, could you get their web address, as I've lost ir! Cheers!
ANSWER: I will stop by and ask them.
06/12/2001 |
We are coming to Prague very shortly and like to explore open markets selling anything and everything. If anyone knows of any such markets and which days they are on please let me know, my e-mail address is sueclay@btconnect.com
ANSWER: Visit the market on Havelska.
06/11/2001 |
Hi. We are 19 Norwegian teachers coming to Prague Sept. 19-24. We are trying to get in touch with a high school, preferably a vocational, to visit and compare school systems with. Anybody interested?
Thank you, we all look forward to visiting your beautiful city!
I can also be contacted at: esbr6200@rogaland-f.kommune.no
06/06/2001 |
hello from France!
im 28,medical student from France,coming soon to Prague for a visit; i would like to get in touch with local people to become friends, meet each other and discover the beauty of Prague together!
(i have some pics,if interested).also if anybody could tell where i can find some live chatrooms and penpals from Prague,it would be great!
my email: eric27fr@aol.com
Dekujivám! (im trying but not easy! ;))
ANSWER:I am sure someone will write to you. If not try to visit seznamka.cz. It is in Czech though.
06/01/2001 |
How long for the show of black theatre and Don Giovanni?
ANSWER:Usually the performance takes about 1,5-2,5 hours.
05/31/2001 |
Is there anywhere to swim in Prague 6? Someone mentioned a university pool to me. I just moved here and trekking to the Centrum to swim everyday is time-consuming and costly. Thanks for any ideas!
ANSWER: You can try a pool Na Julisce (here is a map how to get there) or during the summer time the "natural swimming pools" such as Dzban and Na Petynce.
Susan Koh
05/31/2001 |
To:Soon Kok, Toh Hock Hai and others
Hello!I am looking for my ITE BEDOK classmate,
We have lost contact when we all use to study at ITE Bedok and now I want to contact you guys.
if you guys saw my message,pls E-mail me at
Ian Claudius
05/31/2001 |
Hi! We are visiting Prague in August for a week or so. We are stopping near Wencleslas Square - could you please tell us the best bars for people in their late twenties?
We also hear that Prague is excellent for the buying of vintage clothes and watches - is this true?
ANSWER: Hi. There are tons of bars around Wenceslas square- we have rewieved the best in our nightlife section. Do not forget to check out the Lucerna Music Bar. As for the shopping- it might be true, especially now when you can get 22% of the price back. More about it in our "How to..." section.
05/30/2001 |
I book a hostel online. Would you please tell me if hostel clownandbard in Borivojova 102, Prague 3, Zizkov safe or not? This is the first time I book the Dorm. But there is no separation between man and woman. Does it safe?
ANSWER: Everybody loves that hostel. Every reference I read was very positive, I do not think you should be worried.
05/29/2001 |
I'm planning to visit Prague in early/mid August this year with my boyfriend. I was wondering, what sort of attitude do people normally take to homosexuality in the Czech Republic? I assume that like most countries, the less urban areas will be somewhat less tolerant; but would we be likely to be harrassed (or anything else..) if we held hands in public in Prague?
Also, what sort of places do you recommend outside of Prague? From what I've read, CZ really seems like the sort of country that would have some amazing sights in smaller areas, and I rather like going to places that are off the normal tourist track. So far I'm thinking of visiting Kutna Hora and possibly Cesky Krumlov, but it's proving rather difficult to find much information (in English, at least) on many other areas. Is there anywhere you'd suggest, preferably close enough to Prague that it/they could be done as a day trip? (I also have a weakness for ruins of old castles, buildings, cities and such, so if anyone knows of any good ones, please let me know :)
comments: Some information on cities and areas other than Prague would be nice, as it seems that what information there is online is scattered and incomplete, except for possibly Cesky Krumlov. Though I suppose adding another major section to the site might make it rather difficult for you to keep up with ;)
ANSWER: In general Czechs are very tolerant. Especially in the cities, in the rural areas it might be a little bit worse, but it is not a big deal. It is OK if you hold hands. If you like castles and ruins- visit Karlstejn, Krivoklat or Konopiste. Those are wonderful castles. As for the towns- Kutna Hora and Cesky Krumlov are a good choice, also consider Telc.
PS: Thank you for your suggestion. We are not thinking about adding such a section, though. Maybe in the future :).
05/26/2001 |
I will be visiting Prague,from Maine USA, from September 10 through September 23rd and I am wondering if there are any balloon (hot air or gas) events scheduled. Thank you for your help.
ANSWER: There is a big balloon mania in June, but there are no scheduled events in September. If you want to fly the balloon in September you can book it at the Stifter Balloons balony@login.cz.
05/26/2001 |
hiee, im moving to prague this summer & ververy curious.. about the gothic & punk scene there. germany is right nearby, & the goth culture is really big there, but there arent all that many goth/industrial sites about czech. does anyone know anything about it? thanks :) oh, bythebye.. it'll be my first time in europe, i'd love for an artsy babybat boi/grrl to show me around! *mwah*
05/23/2001 |
This is in reply to Jeff's question regarding jobs for Americans here in Prague. The unemployment rate in Prague is very low - around 3 percent, so there is hope. The best solution is to see what companies are active here and look for work from where you are (that way you get one of those cool expat salaries!)Try to announce your intentions through one or more of the most read publications in English here - praguepost.cz has a good job section. A good job site is located at http://www.jobmaster.cz/ they have an english version AND a banking section :) There are plenty of Americans over here, so you should feel right at home. And yes, the Czech girls *love* Americans.
ANSWER: That is absolutely right. Thanks Lars.
05/21/2001 |
Would u mind giving me recommendations on the two hostel as I would like to book it online by
1. Hostel Budec
Wenzigova 20, Prague 1
2. Welcome Hostel - SALMOVSKA
Salmovska 14, Prague 1
I'm a girl and travel alone and want to look for some economic hostels. Thks
ANSWER: Both should be fine. It is up to you to choose by price. I would go for Salmovska.
05/21/2001 |
Where can I book the tickets in advance thru internet for the Puppertry Don Giovanni and Black Theater ?
ANSWER: Go to ticketpro.cz.
05/21/2001 |
Attention everyone!!!! Avoid using Mary's travel agency. These people are unreliable. If you refer to my previous messages, I asked for opinion about this agency. However these people get mad at me and said I don't trust them. They disclosed my name, address, credit card number, all personal details on another forum. Please beaware!!!!!
ANSWER: I can not believe they did this. Do not deal with them anymore. I told you about them because they were the only site that had some info about the pension you asked about. I wish I knew that they are insolvent before...
05/20/2001 |
hello!i wanted to ask you if you can help me about prague zoo because i'll go to a working camp at prague zoo on august..at first where it is?(in which part of prague).is it hard to reach to the clubs or to the historical places from there?and at last do you have any information about the working camp at prague zoo..
..thanx alot.
ANSWER: Prague Zoo is in Troja, Prague 8. That is in the northern part of Prague. You have to take a bus from Nadrazi Holesovice /that is metro station/ to get there. So from this point of view, it is pretty hard to get back from the center to Troja like at 3AM. During the day it is no problem at all though. I do not have any information about the working camp at the ZOO, all I know is that they have very good director.
05/20/2001 |
I am a 29-year-old American banker living in New York City. I would like to live and work in Prague for a year or two. How easy is it for experienced Americans to get banking/business jobs in Prague? Are there any good web sites with job listings or recruiters? Can I get by if I only speak English? Do Czech women like American guys?
ANSWER: You should be able to find a job pretty quickly in Prague. It doesn't matter that you only speak English, there are a lot of international/multinational companies here. Try to search for some job opportunities at jobs.cz ( I will look around and try to find the best job server for you- check the board tommorrow or so- see posting by Lars).
Czech women love Americans :)))), especially those from NYC.
05/19/2001 |
This is in reply to the guy who wanted some information on Budapest. I can recommend www.inyourpocket.com. Their section on Budapest is excellent. Budapest is not quite as beautiful as Prague, but comes damn close! :-)
ANSWER: Thank you for your suggestion.
05/19/2001 |
Hi! What would you say the three best places to go in Prague are?
ANSWER: You mean sightseeing places? If so, the top three (in my humble opinion) are: Prague Castle, Charles bridge and Old Town Square. They are the most famous, but there are tons of other interesting places...
05/18/2001 |
Hi Lenka,
For Kristie who is looking for a place to stay I can recommend Prague Bed and Breakfast Association. Clean apartments at very good prices and excellent service. I found them at ABAKA.com.
05/18/2001 |
HI, I will be in Prague in June for 5 days. I would like to visit the following cities, Kutna Hora and Terezin. I would like to know the best way to get there and how long will take me to reach those cities. I am planning spend one day in each city. Do you have a better suggestion in what cities to visit in those two days.
Thanks, Luis chegaucho@hotmail.com
comments: I'm going also to Budapest..Is there a site as great as this for Budapest?
This is a great site. I took a lot of information for my visit. Muchas gracias
ANSWER: The best way how to get there is by bus. The timetable and prices can be found at www.vlak-bus.cz. Your choice is good, sometimes people also go to Cesky Krumlov or Telc. Have a nice stay!
PS: I am glad that this web site helped you, but I do not know any good site about Budapest. Try Lonely planet guide.
05/18/2001 |
Hi, sorry to bother you again. I have tried that agency already - www.marys.cz. They quote me the price for an apartment which is DEM 80, but when I was about to pay, they change the price to Czech Crown of 1.600. I checked the exchange rate and found DEM 80 should be CSK 1.460
DO you think they are reliable? Has anyone tried this agency before? Anyone here has other suggestion? I just want a nice room to stay in Prague without being rip off.
ANSWER: They should not charge you that much. If I were you, I would give up on this pension and choose another one from abaka.com. They are serious, I know them personally and have good references about them. You book your accommodation online and pay when you get here in Czech crowns. So this way it is absolutely safe for you. Hope this time all works out good.
05/17/2001 |
I want to come to prague, where can I find shops selling beatifull lighting for house hold my e-mail sidman@tm.net.my please advise me.....
ANSWER:There is a huge shop, just outside of Prague in Cestlice. You can get there by bus from Chodov /metro station C/.
05/16/2001 |
I called the numbers you gave me and it seemed they are not the right numbers. Do u know how can I book a room in Pension Avalon II? Is this pension still in business? have you heard any comment about this pension? Thank you
ANSWER:I am sorry that they do not work. I can not find more recent ones, but I found a web site through which you can book it marys.cz. Avalon is located in Nerudova, that is near Prague Castle, it is a wonderful location.
05/16/2001 |
05/16/2001 |
I am going next June to Prague. I will be arriving by railroad from Hungary and I'll be
stating at Hotel Ibis 36 Katerinska. I will like to know, if the station is far from the hotel since I will arriving late.
ANSWER:You will probably arrive to Hlavni nadrazi /Main station/. If it is before midnight, take the subway line C to I.P. Pavlova and walk from there. After midnight, take a taxi- it should not cost more than 100CZK, because it is about five minutes away.
05/15/2001 |
I need help. I try to book a pension called Pension Avalon II-Nerudova. I have booked it thru agency on internet but they never respond.
Do you know their phone number or email address?
Their address is Nerudova 27, Prague 1
Thank you.
ANSWER:Their phone number is 5753 3054 and 5753 2422. If you are calling from abroad you need to add a prefix 4202. (dial 420257533054), they do not have email.
05/13/2001 |
I want to see the Puppertry Don Giovanni and Black Theater. Should I book it on arrival or book in advance? As I will only stay in Prague for three days.
comments: Your website really provides lots of useful information. It's really a great tourist site. Expecially for me, the first time travel to Prague. Thanks a lot
Thank you.
ANSWER:It is better to book in advance, but I think you can still get tickets while here (if you are coming in May, during the summer it is usually sold out). Have a nice stay.
05/13/2001 |
I am an english teacher in the US and would love to teach English in Prague for the summer. WHow and whom do I contact to find this info?
Also, what would be an average estimate for a summer in Prague? Costs?
I can be reached at brnb563@netscape.net
Thank you.
ANSWER:Try to contact one of the language schools in Prague. You will find them in seznam.cz or in the yellow pages under "jazykove skoly". I would say, you can live here for about 15000-20000 CZK.
05/10/2001 |
I will go to prague in June. Where should I stay and how should I book the room?
ANSWER:You can book it through abaka.com, they have a huge variety of hotels and hostels. You book it by email and pay when you are in Prague. It is a good deal.
05/10/2001 |
Can I buy the 3 day passes and use it to go to karlovy from prage by taking the bus?
ANSWER:No. You need to buy another ticket for that. It is cheap, though- about 150 Crowns.
05/08/2001 |
Hi Lenka, just had a few days in Prague. What a beautiful city! We had a fantastic time. For people going to Prague - make the time to visit the TV tower to see the wonderful views of the city.
ANSWER:That is right, I will add it to our tips. Thank you.
04/29/2001 |
Congratulations to Tomas Enge after his magnificent win in the formula 3000 at Barcelona this weekend. He is getting better and better, I am sure this is going to be his season. I cannot think of any Czech who has ever raced in formula 1 but I think Tomas may be the first in 2002. (At least I hope so!)
comments: How many hits on average per day do you get on your site Lenka?
ANSWER:If he makes it, he will be the first Czech. We get on average about 150 unique IP/day.
Sergio Gonzalez
04/29/2001 |
Hello. i well be coming to Prague on May 13, and well run the Prague Marathon on May 20. If any one would like to train with me thur those last days that well be nice, I well be staying at Denisa Apart House. i hope to break 2;40 marathon time , last year i ran a 2;48 in Hamburg. I well now go to Colorado and do my last training there be i come to Prague.
please e - mail , be for May ,11.
thank you.
Sergio Gonzalez
ANSWER: There is no email address..
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Let me be mad with the madness of absinthe, the wildest, most luxurious madness in the world. —Marie Corelli
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